Krkal is an excellent logical-action game. With one of three different characters, you have to avoid all dangerous traps, deal with various items, escape from deadly monsters and in the first place - boil your brain - to finally find the way through and reach so long desired exit... and then? Just select level that is even more difficult and rush to the battle again.
The levels are built of many (50!) miscellaneous items, which interact one with the other. You will push stones, slide on the ice, avoid stepping on mines, play with the switches, wander in complex labyrinths and even set up the traffic signs to take advantage of the traffic monsters!
On the first look, Krkal may resemble games like Boulderdash (Supaplex), Sokoban, Robbo or Magamaze. We like these great classics and same ideas from them we used in Krkal, for example falling stones. But in Krkal is all different. The stones don't fall, instead they are attracted by magnets and there are places, where stones "fall" up or to the left.
Simply, Krkal is very interesting and unique. You observe everything from above and will miss neither a professional graphics nor stylish music. With KRKAL, you will not only be able to build new levels from existing items, but also create quite new objects. You will be able to improve and modify the game itself!